What is EFT Tapping

Tapping is based on Chinese medicine modality using points on the meridians which are energy channel that flow throughout our body and cognitive therapy to bring up the “truth aka limited beliefs” and rewiring it with positive and new thought process.

Benefits of Getting EFT Tapping

Stress Management

Increased Focus and Productivity

Decreasing Anxiety

Self love and Acceptance

Relieves Physical Tension

Helps with Trauma and PTSD

Stress Management

Increased Focus and Productivity

Decreasing Anxiety

Self love and Acceptance

Relieves Physical Tension

Helps with Trauma and PTSD

How does the session works

We begin tapping on different meridian points on the body while using cognative therapy to acknowledge how you are feeling and bring love and acceptance to it, till your mind and body starts to accept it as it is and reprograming it with a new thought process that will be planted in your subconscious mind for it to become a new belief system.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I need to tap?

Studies have shown that it takes about 4-6 tapping sessions to completely clear out and rewire the limited thought. However, you can tap  everyday and multiple times a day, as little as 5 min to get your body to a parasympathetic stage (calm and digest) from when you are stressed/triggered.

Who can benefit from it?

Anyone at any age, that’s willing and is open to feeling better.