It can be hard to love yourself when you’re constantly comparing yourself to others, feeling like you’re not good enough in certain areas of your life, or lacking the confidence needed to take on bigger challenges. But what if there were 10 things you could do today that would immediately help you stop feeling like you’re not good enough? In this article, we list 10 ways to start loving yourself so that you can feel better about who you are as a person and how much value you bring to the world around you.
1) Don’t be an active participant in your own self-hatred
When we’re feeling like we’re not good enough, it’s easy to start attacking ourselves—we might call ourselves fat, ugly, stupid or worthless. At first glance, these statements may seem harsh; however, they have a tendency of sticking in our minds longer than we realize. It might be tempting to tell yourself that you’re okay with being so hard on yourself, but giving into those kinds of self-attacks can lead you down a dangerous path.
2) Free up time for you
We all want more time, but there are only so many hours in a day. To make sure you’re spending your time wisely, it’s best to organize your goals and tasks by value. If you have work and leisure activities that are equally important, block out your time like they both are. Do they mean more than other things? Schedule them first thing in the morning so they take up most of your day—don’t let other people or activities come between you and those top priorities.
3) Eat in a way that makes you feel energized instead of sluggish
Start every day with a healthy breakfast, and eat frequently throughout the day. Carry a container of nuts or seeds in your bag so you’re always prepared for a protein fix. Make sure you stay hydrated, too! If you start feeling sluggish at work, have an energy bar handy for an afternoon pick-me-up. Also remember to drink more water: It keeps your skin glowing and will help keep you fuller longer!
4) Learn to eat mindfully
Mindful eating is all about training yourself to be aware of what you’re putting in your mouth. This can help you enjoy food without overeating it—but it also makes you more likely to make good choices, like choosing whole grains instead of white pasta or cutting back on sugar. It’s a win-win-win! So how do you get started? Try not to eat while distracted (turn off your phone and put away any books or magazines), eat slowly, and pay attention to how different foods taste and feel as they go down. Also keep in mind that if you want to lose weight healthfully and keep it off for good, mindful eating isn’t just an occasional practice; it should become a permanent part of your daily routine.
5) Get enough sleep
Sleep affects everything from your productivity and mood to how your body regulates weight. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more ghrelin (the hormone that tells you when you’re hungry), which increases appetite, raises cortisol levels (the stress hormone), and impairs memory. So make sure you’re getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night—that includes weekends! If you can’t fall asleep within 15 minutes, try going to bed earlier or setting an earlier alarm so that you have time for a proper wind-down routine. Then, during your wind-down time, avoid technology as much as possible: No TV or phone in bed! The blue light emitted by these devices will suppress melatonin production and disrupt sleep even further.
6) Practice yoga (or any form of exercise) regularly
Studies have shown that regular exercise can help you feel better about yourself, relieve depression and anxiety, and generally calm your nerves. When you’re feeling good about your health and appearance (and yourself), chances are you’ll find it easier to look in the mirror and smile. And self-love is important—so get on those yoga mats! Here are some of our favorite poses for boosting confidence: Child’s pose, Downward facing dog, Warrior 1, Warrior 2.
7) Never compare yourself with others
Comparing yourself with others is a sure-fire way to drive yourself crazy. Even if you’re in great shape and eating healthy, you will always find someone who has better abs or is more ripped than you are. While it’s good to strive for excellence, perfecting your health is a lifelong journey of self-discovery that’s ultimately an exercise in love and self-care.
8) Believe that you are always doing your best
Regardless of your current situation, no matter how much or how little you have going on in your life, you are always doing your best. In order to be happy with yourself and love yourself, remember that it’s not about where you are now—it’s about where you’re going. Focus on improving every day so that tomorrow is a little bit better than today.
9) Notice what feels good and make it a habit.
Here are some more ways you can build self-love: Take a few minutes each day to do something nice for yourself, whether it’s by taking a warm bath or going for a walk. These simple acts will help you feel good about yourself and lift your mood, too. Focus on positive thoughts, rather than negative ones. Making an effort to focus on what’s right with your life is a surefire way to start feeling better about who you are and where you’re headed.
10) Love everything about yourself – even the parts you dislike
Loving yourself may be easier said than done, but it’s an important part of self-care. Loving everything about yourself—even if you don’t like certain parts of your body or your personality—shows that you respect and appreciate yourself. It also helps you have more positive self-esteem, which makes it easier for you to find a job or love relationship. And if loving yourself feels like a daunting task, start by looking for even small things about yourself that you do like. For example, maybe you like how much you care about others or how hardworking you are. Whatever those traits are, focus on them instead of all of your perceived flaws. By doing so, you can learn to see yourself in a new light and build up your confidence over time.